Miwa Nakaya 中屋美和
Vegetable Academy Book Bundle (Set of 5) • 蔬菜學校:讓孩子愛上蔬果不挑食套書(共5冊)
Vegetable Academy Book Bundle (Set of 5) • 蔬菜學校:讓孩子愛上蔬果不挑食套書(共5冊)
From the renowned author of the Little Black Crayon, Miwa Nakaya, launches a new educational food series, which introduces the secret of making vegetables delicious, showing how easy it is to love vegetables.
In order to become tasty vegetables, Little Tomato, Little Cucumber, Little Green Pepper, Corn, and others attend Vegetable Academy, where they learn about exercise and sunbathing, in hopes to graduate.
With charming illustrations and engaging narratives, this series is perfect for parents and children to enjoy together, fostering a deeper appreciation for vegetables and the journey of food from farm to plate.
This set includes:
- Vegetable Academy 1: Little Tomato Wishes to be all Red • 蔬菜學校1:想要紅的小番茄
- Vegetable Academy 2: Little Bell Pepper Wants to Grow Up • 蔬菜學校2:好想長大的小青椒
- Vegetable Academy 3: Corn's Long Gold Locks • 蔬菜學校3:玉蜀黍的長頭髮
- Vegetable Academy 4: Non-flowering Cabbage • 蔬菜學校4:不想開花的高麗菜
- Vegetable Academy 5: Strawberry Twins' Worry • 蔬菜學校5:草莓雙胞胎的煩惱
Product Details
Product Details
Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Age 3-5
Hardcover | 160pages |
x xPublisher: Little World • 小天下