Miwa Nakaya 中屋美和
Vegetable Academy 2: Little Bell Pepper Wants to Grow Up • 蔬菜學校2:好想長大的小青椒
Vegetable Academy 2: Little Bell Pepper Wants to Grow Up • 蔬菜學校2:好想長大的小青椒
From the renowned author of the Little Black Crayon, Miwa Nakaya, launches a new food series, which introduces the secret of making vegetables delicious, showing how easy it is to love vegetables.
In order to become tasty vegetables, Little Tomato, Little Cucumber, Little Green Pepper, Corn, and others attend Vegetable Academy. What is the secret to tasty vegetables? Who will be the first to graduate?
In this second installment Little Green Pepper wants to grow up quickly, like Red Pepper and Yellow Pepper, to get the delicious vegetable sticker.
However, Little Green Pepper is always late for school and falls asleep in class. The dream of growing up, who knows when it will come true? In fact, each type of vegetable has a different secret to becoming tasty. Keep going, Little Green Pepper!
Product Details
Product Details
Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Age 3-5
Hardcover | 32pages |
x xPublisher: Little World • 小天下