Aesop's Fables Mini Board Book Bundle (Set of 5) • 伊索寓言 (幼幼撕不破小小書)
Aesop's Fables Mini Board Book Bundle (Set of 5) • 伊索寓言 (幼幼撕不破小小書)
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This board books set contains 5 of the most famous Aesop's Fables, each consisting of a mini-book with 10 pages.
- "The Ant and the Grasshopper" - Learning about hard work. There's a time for work and a time for play. In the summer, ants work hard to prepare food, but the grasshoppers are still playing and having fun. When winter comes, can the grasshopper survive the cold winter?
- "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" - Learning honesty. Liars can't be trusted; even if they tell the truth, no one will trust them. When the wolf really came, will the farmer believe the boy this time?
- "The Lion and the Mouse" - Learning the importance of kindness. Love and kindness are never wasted. The lion let go of a little mouse, and the little mouse told the lion that one day it will repay it. What kind of power does the little mouse have?
- "The North Wind and The Sun" - Learning the importance of humility. Kind and gentle persuasion always wins over force and bluster. The north wind and the sun are comparing who is the most powerful. They decided that whoever makes by passers take off their clothes wins. Guess who is the strongest, the north wind or the sun?
- "The Crow and The Pitcher" - Learning about critical thinking. If there is a will, there is a way. A thirsty crow sees a water bottle with a mouth that is too narrow and some small stones. What will it do?
Each mini-book are perfect for little hands and offers a captivating adventure that will entertain and inspire young readers.
This set accompanies the Cantonese Storytelling Tablet.
Product Details
Product Details
Traditional Chinese
Paperback | pages | x x
Publisher: Windmill • 風車