A Character A Poem (Set of 3) • 字的小詩(全三冊):讀一首詩,交一個字朋友(字字小宇宙+字字看心情+字字有意思)
A Character A Poem (Set of 3) • 字的小詩(全三冊):讀一首詩,交一個字朋友(字字小宇宙+字字看心情+字字有意思)
The award winning author dedicates a poem to each character. 174 themed characters. 174 children's poems. 174 children's paintings. This series combines fun riddles, delightful illustrations, and imaginative tales helps children understand words, making learning entertaining.
For example:
【旦】太陽在溜滑板嗎?Is the sun riding a skate board
【閒】昨天月亮──沒出門!The moon didn't go out yesterday
【思】人心長出一塊田!心田裡,要種什麼好呢?The heart grows a field
【憨】最勇敢的心!只要是對的事,就勇敢去做 The bravest heart
【島】一隻鳥抓起一座山,飛向大海來了!A bird grabbed a mountain
The translation doesn't make much sense, but if you know some Chinese you can truly appreciate the fun and beauty of these poems.
Product Details
Product Details
Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Age 9+
Paperback | 432pages |
x xPublisher: Mandarin Daily • 國語日報